Time Management
For decades most senior business management training programmes have emphasised the importance of “Time Management”. Is it possible we’ve been barking up the wrong tree?
For decades most senior business management training programmes have emphasised the importance of “Time Management”. Is it possible we’ve been barking up the wrong tree?
Hiring staff with the right skills and talents to run your business is certainly paramount. But how well are you, as a company, supporting their ability to deliver? Tim Bean puts the case for businesses to be a great deal more pro-active in investing in their key people…
Starting into an exercise regime requires enthusiasm tempered with reality. In this brief segment, Tim Bean points out the importance of keeping the long-term strategy in mind…
In our various corporate and social roles our performance and success is judged – by our bosses and colleagues as well as ourselves – almost exclusively on our mental abilities. Yet our capacity to function from the neck-up very much depends on how well we look after ourselves from the neck-down…
Are the pressures and stresses of your working day winding you up like a clockwork toy? Tim Bean discusses one commonly accepted coping strategy to stress that can actually do a lot more harm than good…
Tim Bean speaks about the structure of their highly successful corporate performance programme, “The Hard Edge”.
Tim Bean outlines how their executive performance programme, “The Hard Edge” can be tailored to benefit everyone in the company from the top right down to the bottom…
Tim Bean shares some of his personal story in an address to the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants in London, and reveals a surprising, and little-known, fact about weet-bix…
Tim Bean discusses how energy management is a key tool in managing stress, and how forgetting simple things, such as eating your meals, can destroy your ability to function effectively in the office…